Sound Discovery High Frequency Words Version 2 |
Overview: This book contains a range of words, sentences and decodable texts for reading, comprehension and writing to support the teaching of high frequency words through grapheme-phoneme correspondences.
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Details: The twelve Speed Reads in this book are short decodable stories for speed reading to further develop reading fluency, accuracy and speed as well as comprehension and oral language. Children love to beat their own record and it really works!
Comprehension activities accompany each story. The stories also provide lots of reinforcement for the basic and advanced code.
Comprehension activities accompany each story. The stories also provide lots of reinforcement for the basic and advanced code.
The stories contain specially prepared words to make it easier for students to practise sounding and blending so that , “they being to be able to read them (the words) without overt sounding and blending, thus starting to experience what it feels like to read some words automatically.”
Precision Monitoring Sheets are provided for words containing the basic alphabetic code, the advanced code and the more unusual grapheme-phoneme correspondences in order to develop accuracy and fluency.
Suggested answers to the comprehension activities are provided.
This way of teaching high frequency words follows the latest guidance to practitioners and teachers.