Sound Discovery Fold-it Books No.1, Step 1. (Pack of 59). |
Overview: These simple, decodable storybooks which are photocopiable and foldable, are suitable for reading ages from about 5 to 7 years. Children have fun with the reading, writing and drawing activites.
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Details: The concept is inspired but simple. Pages from this pack are photocopied - one sheet per child - and then folded twice to produce a small four page booklet. These can be coloured in and personalised etc. and taken home.
When photocopied onto card they produce robust little books. Different coloured cards can be used for individual requirements e.g. for dyslexic students.
The first 20 stories have been written using just the alphabet sounds, and cover Steps 1.1 to 1.4 in the Sound Discovery programme.
There are generally three sheets for each story yielding 57 decodable booklets and two separate decodable work sheets.
a) - is the illustrated story for group or individual reading
b) - has illustrations and space for modelled writing
c) - has the story with space for the child's own illustrations.
Story version a) can be enlarged and used for group reading.
Then picture version b) can be used for writing. Children are encouraged to recall the story and compose a simple sentence for each picture. The teacher helps to put this into phonically regular text, and scribes or dictates the sentence.
Version c) can be used in the classroom in independent times, when children can re-read the text and draw some pictures to demonstrate their comprehension. Some later stories also have missing words to fill in, and the final story has comprehension questions.
At the end of a session the children can be given their own reading book to take home and show off their skills.
Suitable for reading ages from about 5 to 7 years.