Sound Discovery Manual |
Overview: The Sound Discovery Manual explains the teaching framework of the Sound Discovery Programme and how it can be taught through the Snappy Lesson format.
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Details: Sound Discovery is a systematic, synthetic phonics programme for the teaching of reading, spelling and writing. It is suitable for first-time, slow-to--start and dyslexic students of all ages, including adults.
Sound Discovery has been independently scrutinised by the DCSF (2007) and confirmed as satisfying all the criteria for a high quality synthetic phonics programme.
The teaching framework of Sound Discovery is developed through seven teaching Steps.
This book, the Sound Discovery Manual, explains the teaching framework and how it can be taught through the Snappy Lesson and through a modelled approach to writing.
The Manual also provides a placement test and photocopiable flash card sheets to teach sounds, alternative spellings, root words, suffixes, prefixes, syllables and special suffixes for each teaching Step. |