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Developmental Handwriting Series, Book 4.

Digraphs and Trigraphs.
Developmental Handwriting Series, Book 4.   Overview:
Everything you need to know about starting to learn good joined handwriting. Joining digraphs is an essential first step in this process.

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This set of handwriting sheets builds on the Developmental Handwriting Books 1 and 3.

Following the progressive sequence in the series, students should have a solid grounding on how to form the individual letters of the alphabet correctly, emphasising the correct start point.

As part of a good synthetic phonics programme young children will be learning in a multi-sensory way, integrating the sound of the letter, the shape of the visual symbol, the language of formation and hand movements.

The linking of the phoneme to the formation of each grapheme is an advantage of this Developmental Handwriting Series.

Each sheet provides a progressive way of teaching joined digraphs and graphemes.

Joining up is the practice of going from where one letter finishes to the start of the next.

This book is written to support high quality synthetic phonics programmes such as Sound Discovery and Letters and Sounds.

These sheets could be used for any age group where development of handwriting is required.

Good instruction is the key to developing an efficient and mature joined-up handwriting style.

This book provides an essential step to train the hand in forming joins between letters.

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Price £17.50 Product Code DHS4