Complete set of Placement Tests |
Overview: These photocopiable tests yield essential information concerning phonic development. Quick and easy to administer, they enable individuals to be placed on the appropriate Step of the programme.
Details: Each of the eleven Placement Tests included in this pack is printed on A4 card which can be photocopied.
In order to assess the level of phonic development of a student and where they would most appropriately placed on the Sound Discovery programme, these tests are used as follows:
- Firstly dictate the words on the test one at a time to the student who writes them down. You can dictate the word in a sentence to make the meaning clear, if necessary.
- Record the errors and read off the Sound Discovery Step for the first spelling error from the end of the line.
- Then ask the students to read the words.
- When he or she makes the first reading error, read off the Step from the end of the line.
- The start point to begin teaching the Snappy Lesson comes from the lower Step level of errors whether for spelling or reading.
A list of all the Placement Tests in this pack is given below along with a description of what they cover:
Placement Test for Steps 1 and 2 - version (a) Covers alphabet sounds and digraph sounds from Steps 1.1 to 2.4
Placement Test for Steps 1 and 2 - version (b) A parallel test to version (a) produced to prevent students becoming too familiar with the individual words.
Placement Test for Steps 1 and 2 - version (c) Covers alphabet sounds and digraph sounds in more complex words e.g. double consonants, two syllable words, prefixes and suffixes such as -ed and -ing from Steps 1.1 to 2.4
Placement Test for Step 3A Covers main alternative vowel spellings from Step 3A.1 to Step 3A.15
Placement Test for Step 3B Covers main alternative digraph spellings from Step 3B.1 to Step 3B.7
Placement Test for Step 4 Covers polysyllabic words with prefixes, root words and suffixes from Step 4.1 to Step 4.3
Placement Test for Step 5 Covers syllable types from Steps 5.1 to 5.6
Placement Test for Step 6 Covers syllable division in polysyllabic words from Steps 6.1 to 6.6
Placement Test for Steps 7.1 to 7.5 Covers special suffixes - alternative spellings for "shun", "kshun" "zhun" "shus" "kshus" from Steps 7.1 to 7.5
Placement Test for Steps 7.6 to 7.11 Covers special suffixes - alternative spellings for "shu" "zhu" "cher" "zher" "sher" "shul"
Letters and Sounds Assessment for Reading and Spelling Compares the Letters and Sounds Phases from Phase 2 to Phase 6 with the Sound Discovery Steps from Step 1 to Step 7.