Easy Starter Pack 1 |
Overview: Easy Starter Packs take you on a sequential teaching path through the Sound Discovery® programme. Covering the basic alphabetic code, this pack provides all the resources you need to begin.
Details: Easy Starter Pack 1 covers reading, spelling, writing, high frequency words, handwriting, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension at basic code level.
The pack provides a selection of core teaching materials to teach the basic code and additional materials to help your students apply their phonics skills to wider literacy.
The pack is suitable for first-time teaching, for catch-up/intervention lessons and for top-up lessons at any age whenever the basic alphabetic code needs to be taught, reinforced or revised.
The materials can be used to teach any group size from whole class to small group and for individual tuition.
Three of the eleven Placement Tests (PTO) enable individuals to be placed, quickly and easily, on the appropriate Step of the programme within Steps 1 and 2.
The remaining placement tests will be useful later when moving on to the advanced code and when extending to complex polysyllabic words.
The Sound Discovery® Manual (SD1) describes the framework of the programme and how it is taught. This manual will remain useful throughout teaching the programme.
The handbook Sound Discovery® Words and Sentences, Part 1, Steps 1-3 (SD2) provides an extensive bank of words and sentences for reading and dictation at Steps 1 and 2. This handbook will also be useful later when moving on to the advanced code at Step 3.
The other handbook Sound Discovery® High Frequency Words Version 2 (SD4) enables you to teach High Frequency Words most effectively using the latest guidance. It provides a bank of words, sentences, and decodable texts which are specially prepared so that students can begin to read them automatically.
The precision monitoring, speed reads and comprehension elements of this book develop reading fluency, accuracy, speed, comprehension and oral language. This book will remain useful later whenever high frequency words need learning and reinforcing.
Two sets of fully prepared lesson plans Big Book of Snappy Lesson® Plans at Step 1 (BSL1) and Big Book of Snappy Lesson® Plans at Step 2 (BSL2) and their two sets of accompanying Resource Materials (BSLR1 and BSLR2) help busy teachers to deliver the first part of the programme which covers the basic alphabetic code at Steps 1 and 2.
The decodable texts Sound Discovery® Storybooks, King Wizzit Series (SD15) are carefully written to match students’ phonic knowledge and skills at the start of the programme at Steps 1 and 2.
The selection of activity books are designed to develop vocabulary, reading comprehension and independent writing at basic code level.
Precision Monitoring Book 1 (PMB1) is designed to develop the speed, accuracy and comprehension of reading at sound and word levels, at the beginning of the programme.
This will provide students with a really secure grasp of the basic code which will act as a firm foundation on which to build when moving on to later Steps.
The first four Developmental Handwriting Series (DHS1,2,3,4) books provide a set of handwriting sheets to teach good letter formation and joined writing of digraphs and trigraphs at Steps 1 and 2.
Please see below for a complete list of all the items you will receive in the Easy Starter Pack 1.
For further information about each item and to view page samples, please click the titles in the list below.
Complete set of Placement Tests
Sound Discovery® Manual
Sound Discovery® Words and Sentences, Part 1 (Steps 1-3)
Sound Discovery® High Frequency Words Version 2
Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans at Step 1, Alphabet Phonemes
Resource Materials for Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans, Step 1
Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans at Step 2, Digraph Phonemes
Resource Materials for Big Book of Snappy Lesson Plans, Step 2
Sound Discovery Texts, for Reading, Writing and Comprehension (Step 1)
Sound Discovery Fold-It Books No.1 (Step 1)
Sound Discovery Fold-It Books No.2 (Steps 1 and 2)
Activity Book for Talking, Comprehension and Modelled Writing to accompany Fold-It Books No.2
Sound Discovery, King Wizzit Series (Step 2) Set of 12 books
King Wizzit Comprehension. Activity book to accompany King Wizzit Storybooks.
Precision Monitoring Book, Steps 1 and 2. Alphabet Phonemes and Digraphs.
Developmental Handwriting Series Book 1, Early Years Alphabet
Developmental Handwriting Series Book 2, Early Years Digraphs and Trigraphs
Developmental Handwriting Series Book 3, Alphabet Letters
Developmental Handwriting Series Book 4, Digraphs and Trigraphs